everyday is Ashura every land is Karbala
Feb, 23 202524 Shabaan 1446

His moralities
One of the high morals is to follow good qualities and abandon reprehensible habits.
This morals whether its virtuous or reprehensible, one gains it genetically, homely, or socially. The laws of the sky (religions), which Allah the almighty sent them to his creatures by his messengers and prophets, all of them call for high morals. Particularly, the message of chief of prophets and messenger PBUH when he said PBUH: I was sent to complete the High morals. He wants to make the life of all humanity tranquil, affluent, and immortal. Not allowing the long periods and years to exterminate it because his massage is the last.
Ali Alakbar is the son of that pure house which is the compendium of the existence for his noble roots, high morals, meekness, knowledge, bravery, generosity, demureness and eloquence and other morals which are no wonder to inherit them from his fathers.
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