everyday is Ashura every land is Karbala
Mar, 3 20253 Ramazan 1446

Imam Ali Reza (as)


On 11th of Zi-Qada, 148 Hijrah, a son was born in the house of Imam Musa Ibn-e-Jaffar (A.S.) who took over the position of the Imam of Islam, after his father. He was named Ali and titled Reza. The honorable and gracious mother of the Imam (A.S.) was Najmiyya, who was considered to be the most notable and distinguished lady in the realm of wisdom and faith.
Right from the childhood period, he accompanied his father. Imam Musa Kazim (A.S.) who repeatedly told his friends that, "He is the Imam following him."
As such, Makhzoomi says one day Imam Musa Ibn-e-Jaffar (A.S.) summoned and gathered us and said, "I invited you to be witnesses that this child (son) is my executor, and successor."
Since an extreme choking atmosphere and pressure prevailed in the period of Imam (A.S.) he said in the end of his words, "What I said must remain (restricted) up to you and do not reproduce it to anybody unless that you know he is one of our friends and companions."

The Features of Imam's (A.S.) Morality

The infallible Imams were the selected ones of the God and outstanding, distinguished and superior to all the people. They used to become the practical example for others during their lives. They taught the lesson of life to the people. They did not segregate and separate themselves from them and did not lead their lives on the style and pattern of the tyrants and oppressors. They did not overlook or show heedlessness and disrespect to anyone.
Sheikh Saduk narrates through the words of Ibrahim bin Abbas that, "I never saw Imam Reza (A.S.) committing excess over anyone in talking and interrupting anybody's speech before its coming to the end. He did not stretch his legs in the presence of others. When the meal table was laid he invited the servants to it, and took his meals with them. After taking rest in the nights he got up and made himself busy with the prayers to God. Similar to his fore fathers he carried food to the houses of the afflicted ones at the mid of nights."
"Mohammad bin Abi Ebad" says about Imam (A.S.) "He used mats of palm date leaves, straws and marsh reed in the summer season, and woolen carpets in the winter."
He led a simple life in his home, but when he went out he used to decorate himself and put on new and clean dress. He respected and honored the guests to the extent that one night a lamp of the house went out of order, the guest got to his feet to put it right. Imam (A.S.) made him sit and himself set the lamp right, and said, "We do not employ our guests (exploit) upon work."
Yasir, the servant of Imam (A.S.) says, Imam (A.S.) said to us, "Whenever you are busy taking your meal, if I call you, do not get up till you have finished up eating." Another friend of Imam (A.S.) says, "One day a stranger came to Imam's (A.S.) house and said, I am one of your friends and am also not a poor man but my money has finished up and I do not have the expanses to return. You give me an amount and when I return to my city I will give it out as alms on you behalf." Imam (A.S.) got up and went to another room, brought an amount of two hundred dirhams and gave it to him from upside the door and said, "Take this and go and it is not necessary to give it away as alms on my behalf."
They asked the Imam (A.S.), "Why did you do it this way that he may not see you."
He said, "So that he does not catch my sight and get ashamed (embarrassed)."
"Suleman", one of the friends of Imam (A.S.) says, "I went along with the Imam (A.S.) to the house. The labors were busy at work. There was a stranger among them whom the Imam (A.S.) did not recognize." He said, "Who is this man?" They said we have brought him from outside, so that he may help us. He said, "Have you concluded an agreement with him and fixed his wages?" They said, "No, he is a good man, whatever we pay him he accepts it and does not utter a word."
Imam (A.S.) was angry and annoyed and said, "I have always told you that when you employ someone for a job first of all fix his wages. Because, when his wages are fixed and you give more than that to him, he will become happy. But if you do not fix his wages and give him three times the amount, he thinks you have not given him the correct wages."

Don't be Proud

Ahmed Bazanti was one of the wise men of his age. After he had written letters to Imam Reza (A.S.) and received the answers from him, he became a believer of his Imamate. One day he said to him (A.S.), "I wish to be present with you alone for an hour and we talk to each other."
Imam (A.S.) accepted, and acceded to his request, so far so, that he sent to him his personal horse so that he arrives comfortably. That day they had a mutual discussion till midnight. Bazanti solved his problems and difficulties in the assembly of Imam (A.S.). In the night, when it was time to go to bed Imam (A.S.) called his servant and said, "bring my personal bed and prepare it for this guest, who has a great dignity in my eyes, so that he may take rest."
The conversations of Imams ecstasies him and made the bird of his heart fly. He said to himself, "Nobody is better than me, after the Imam (A.S.), in this world. It is I, to whom Imam (A.S.) sent his horse and gave his bed to me and sat along with me for hours together and had discussion."
He was busy spinning his ideas when suddenly Imam (A.S.) returned to the room and said, "Oh Bazanti what you came across with, never make it a source of boasting upon others." Because, when Sassa who was one of the valuable friends of Imam Ali (A.S.) fell ill. He (A.S.) visited him and treated him with great love and affection. And for the reason that he does not become proud said to him, "Oh my kind friend whatever you saw out of these things (love) you should not consider it the fortress (h3hold) of boosting upon other and do not boast upon others that I was such and such that the Imam loved me very much. I have performed all these for the sake of my religious and human duty."
"Bazanti" says, "Imam (A.S.), by describing this story attracted my attention towards my mistake and fault. I decided not to entertain false ideas. Rather, I must be careful and vigilant about my intentions and practices."
A man from Balkh says, "I was traveling with lmam Reza (A.S.) to Khurrasan. When the meal cloth was spread he ordered all to come and be present beside it. I said, "I may lay my life for you. Do allow that the meal table of the slaves be segregated." He said, "Keep quiet! Be aware none of us has superiority over the other. Our God is one; our mother and father are one. We attain superiority only under the shade of Piety."
Jabbir Zahak says, "I was taking Imam (A.S.) along with me from Madina to Maro upon the order of Mamoon. By God, all that time I was in the service of Imam (A.S.) I had never seen a man with that degree of piety, chastity and innocence."

Imam Admonishes Brother

In the period when Imam Reza (A.S.) was summoned to Khurrasan and he forcibly accepted the special conditions of the succession of Mamoon, Mamoon summoned his brother "Zaid" who had revolted and brought about a riot in "Madina" to his court in Khurrasan. Mamoon kept him free as a regard and honor to Imam (A.S.) and overlooked his punishment.
One day, when Imam (A.S.) was delivering a speech in a grand assembly. He heard Zaid praising himself before the people, saying I am so and so. Imam (A.S.) shouted at him saying, "Oh Zaid, have you trusted upon the words of the grocers of Kufa and are conveying them to the people? What kind of things are you talking about? The sons of Imam Ali (A.S.) and Zahra (S.A.) are worthy and outstanding only when they obey the command of God, and keep themselves away from sin and blunder. You think you are like Musa Ibn-e-Jaffar (A.S.) and Imam Sajjad (A.S.) and other Imams? Whereas, they took pains and bore hardships on the way to God and prayed to God day and night. Do you think you will gain without pain? Be-aware, that if a person out of us the Ahl al-Bayth performs a good deed. He gets twice the reward. Because not only he performed good deed like others also that he has maintained the honor of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). If he practices some thing bad and does a sin. He has performed two sins. One is that he performed a bad act like the rest of the people and the other one is that he has negated the honor of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)."
Oh brother! The one who obeys God is from us the Ahl al-Bayth and the one who is a sinner is not ours. God said about the son of Noah (A.S.) who cut the spiritual bondage with his father "He is not out of your lineage, if he was out of your lineage, I would have (saved) and granted him salvation."

A discussion with other religion scholars

One of the days Mamoon decided to invite the scholars from different sects of the world and he brought Imam Reza (A.S.) to the assembly. He thought he might be able to get the Imam (A.S.) invalidated and un-credential from the knowledge point of view, thus finish his influence.
Therefore, he ordered his minister Fazal bin Sahal to invite all the scholars and wise men to hold a discussion with Imam (A.S.). And he did it. When the assembly had been arranged he informed Mamoon that all are present. Mamoon summoned Imam Reza (A.S.) inviting him to attend the assembly.
Hassan Naufali says, before leaving the house to attend that aggregation facing myself Imam (A.S.) said, "I know the aim and objective of Mamoon in this work." But I know the time when he will repent upon his work that is; when you see that I talk to the Christians from their own Book and talk to the Jews from Torah and with fire worshipers in Persian language. When all of them are defeated Mamoon will become aware that he is not fit for that past. He will repent upon this work of his. What Imam (A.S.) had said exactly and accurately took place. When Imam (A.S.) arrived the assembly, all of them got up from their seats to honor him. He seated himself beside Mamoon. Mamoon addressing "Jasaleeq," the great Christian scholar said, "Ask him what you feel like." "Jasaleeq" said, "What is your opinion about Christ Essa (A.S.)." Imam (A.S.) said, "We believe he was the Prophet of God" Jasaleeq again asked, "What proof do you have about your own Prophet's Prophet-hood." Imam (A.S.) said, "Have you not read it the Bible that Yohana narrates the saying of Christ (A.S.) that, "A Prophet will come following me, who will be the accomplisher of the constitution of the other Prophets."
He said, "Yes, but he did not name him as to who and where he will be." Imam (A.S.) said, "Do you wish that I may read out to you from the Bible?"
He said, "Read it." Imam (A.S.) recited the third chapter up to the place where Christ (A.S.) said, "I will proceed towards God and "Barklita" i.e. "Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)" will come towards you and he will break and dismantle the infidelism.
Jasaleeq became silent and did not utter a word.
Then Imam (A.S.) facing "Raasul Jalout" the chief scholar of the Jewish religion said, "What is the proof and argument that you have about the Prophet-hood of Moses (A.S.)?"
He replied "Moses (A.S.) had miracles such as turning the club into a serpent, splitting the river Nile and passing through it and a light shone from his hand."
Hazrat Imam (A.S.) said, "Why did you not believe in the Prophet-hood of Essa the Christ (A.S.)?"
He said, "They say Christ (A.S.) made the dead men alive and cured the skin diseases but we have not seen these to have faith and belief in it?"
Imam (A.S.) said, "Then why do you believe in the Prophets before him? Similarly in Moses himself have you seen the miracles of Moses?"
He replied, "The way it has been narrated to us he has said, such things which other have not and brought such things which have no previous record."
Imam (A.S.) said, "From which source did you come to know that he brought these words."
He replied, "Through the history and those who heard those words from him."
Imam (A.S.) said, "Others too seek refuge in history and so how do you want to invite them to your creed?"
Raasul Jalout kept calm and quiet and did not utter a word.
Then Imam (A.S.) turned to Imran the chief of the Star worshipers and said, you too ask me what you wish. Imran questioned him regarding a few topics about God, the philosophy of creation and got his answers and embraced Islam at the hand of Imam (A.S.). The assembly finalized and came to an end to the benefit of Imam (A.S.) and Mamoon did not expect and foresee such a thing to happen. He turned and twisted like a snake bitten person and rebuked and scolded himself for organizing such an aggregation.

Imam's (A.S.) Arrival at Qum

When Mamoon invited Imam (A.S.) to come to Khorrasan. He went from Madina to Basra and Basra to Baghdad and from there he arrived Qum. The people of Qum rushed to greet and welcome him; everyone keenly desired to invite him at his home.
Hazrat Imam (A.S.) said, "Get aside, my camel is deputed and detailed upon her work. On the door of which ever person she stops and lies down, the same will be my destination."
The camel moved in the turning twisting and intricate streets of Qum till she reached a door and lay down and Imam arrived into that house which is today one of the religious schools (Madrasas) named as "Madrasa-e-Rizvia."
Imam (A.S.) kept on moving in the same manner towards Khorrasan. Wherever he reached, people warmly and lovingly gathered around him and manifested their h3 feelings and sentiments of devotion for him.

The Imam's (A.S.) Arrival at Nishapur

Nishapur in those days was one of the thickly and densely populated cities of Iran. The welcome that the people of that city organized and shaped for him did not have any match or parallel in the history. In the later days this city was perished and destroyed by the Mongols. The wise men and scholars of Nishapur rushed to the gate of the city with pens in their hands, so that they might write down the words, which Imam (A.S.) said.
In those times Nishapur had hundreds of traditionalists (narrators of traditions) and jurisprudents.
A few thousand of golden pen holders were readily present to jot down the Imam's speech and because of the fact that the series and chain of narrators of this Hadith reached the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), Jabriel (A.S.) and finally the God it was named the "Series of Gold."
Mohammad Bin Aslam Tusi, who was one of the great narrators of traditions, came forward and requested Imam (A.S.) to narrate a Hadith for the people.
Imam (A.S.) pushed the curtain of the camel's pannier up and pepped his head out from it. No sooner people caught his sight, they shouted the slogans of Takbir and salutations and benediction for the Prophet and his family.
Imam (A.S.) gave a gesture and all of them got calm and silent. Then, he started reciting the Hadith whose translation is this: God has said "Kalima of La-ilaha-ill-Ial-lah is my fort and fortification and whosoever says it, will enter the realm of my fort and will be safe and sound from my torment. (Here Imam again said, but this is with its conditions, and I am one of those conditions.)"

Imam Arrives Sana Abad

Absalat narrates that when Imam (A.S.) arrived in the town of Sana Abad it was Zuhr (afternoon) time and he wanted to offer prayers. He asked for water to be brought. The (inhabitants) said we do not have water here. Imam (A.S.) dug some earth and the water started boiling out. He himself and those who were accompanying him, made ablution and offered their prayers. Then he leaned against the mountain from the rocks of which stone pots are prepared. He prayed, "Oh God bestow upon this mountain your benediction and favors." Then he ordered that all the pots of his house be prepared from that stone. Thereafter, he arrived the house of "Hameed bin Qahtaba" and entered the mausoleum where the grave of Haroon was situated. He then draw a line at the side of his grave and said, "Here is my grave and I will be buried here. By Lord, whosoever visits (my grave) God will bless him and (shower his benedictions upon him) and our recommendation and intercession will be in his fate." Then Imam (A.S.) stood facing Qibla, offered a few (Rakats) units of prayers and then went into a very lengthy prostration.

Imam (A.S.) arrives Maro

When Imam (A.S.) arrived Maro, Mamoon honored him and gathered all the chiefs and notables in his assembly and said to him (A.S.), "I wish to deposes myself of the caliphate and surrender the ruler-ship to you." Imam (A.S.) said, "If God has made you wear the dress of caliphate, it is not just and fair that you dismiss yourself and hand it over to another person. If the caliphate was not yours, then why did you under take it?"
Mamoon said, "This decision has already be taken and you must accept the caliphate." Because of the fact that Imam (A.S.) was aware of the plan of Mamoon therefore, howsoever he insisted, Imam (A.S.) did not accept it. Then he said, "You must accept my successor-ship (for the throne). Imam (A.S.) said, "I have heard from my ancestors that I will leave the world before you do. Do not insist so very much upon this matter. I will be poisoned (to death) and buried beside the grave of your father Haroon."
When Mamoon asked, "Who will poison you?" He said, "You know it yourself as to who he is. Do not question me." Mamoon became disturbed and uncomfortable and wept. Then he said, "You must accept my successor-ship this is an order. If you reject it, I will order you to be killed."
Imam (A.S.) was forced to accept it but he made it conditioned with himself not having any interference in the functioning of the government all that time.
Haroon accepted it and arranged a big and grand celebration gathering, and made the Imam (A.S.) present in it, and addressed the people saying, "All of you must take the oath of allegiance for Imam (A.S.) for he is the caliph next to me. Honor and accept his word and obey his orders."
Mamoon ordered that the people should take off (abandon) the black dress, which was the standard color of Abbasades and put on the green dress, a color of "Bani Hashim." He got his daughter Um-e-Habib married to Imam (A.S.) and engaged his other daughter Um-ul-Fazal to his son Imam Mohammad Taqi (A.S.) and this itself was a diplomacy and politics by which he desired that both of them must remain under his observation.

EID Prayers

When Eid day fell, Mamoon ordered that the Imam (A.S.) should lead the Eid prayers, and all the notable offer their prayers with him. To begin with, Imam (A.S.) did not accept it. But when Mamoon insisted, he was obliged to accept it. But he made it conditional that he will hold the prayer (assembly) the way his grandfather the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) did. Mamoon accepted this. Imam (A.S.) put on clean clothes in the morning of Eid, perfumed himself and wore a white (Amama) turban upon his head and calling Takbir " Allah-o-Akbar", moved towards the outskirts of the city, bare footedly.
All the people moved along with him calling the slogans of Takbir ( Allah-o-Akbar). The thundering of Takbir made the city tremble. The people were so lost and immersed in emotions that they were weeping loudly and were uttering praise and salutations to Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and his descendants. The condition was such as if the sky and earth and all the beings and creatures had joined voice in calling Takbir with the Imam (A.S.). When Fazal Bin Sahal, the minister of Mamoon, observed that the state of affairs had become dangerous he informed him that if Imam (A.S.) offers his prayers in this manner a riot and revolt would take shape. The official were all afraid that their lives were at risk. Therefore, he (Mamoon) must at once send a word for Imam (A.S.) to turn back. Mamoon at once sent an official to tell Imam (A.S.) to come back as soon as possible and not to hold the prayer assembly. Imam (A.S.) put on his shoes and rode the horse and returned and showed to the people that all of those things were a part of Mamoon's game. The anger and hate of the people for Haroon went up and their love and attraction towards Imam (A.S.) increased. All the people perceived and understood the hypocrisy and public deceiving attitude of Mamoon. They appreciated that all that he had been doing about Imam (A.S.) had political motives.

Why Mamoon called Imam (A.S.) to Khorrasan

We must be attentive to it that Mamoon was a clever and intelligent man. His bringing Imam (A.S.) to Maro and assigning him his successor was a political plan, which failed. The problem, which were taken into consideration by Mamoon were:
1. Because, the Alvis had risen to revolt in the nook and corners of the country, and on the other hand the Islamic realm had become so very vast and wide spread that Mamoon did not have the energy to control it. Therefore, he decided that pretending to hand over the caliphate to one of the Alvis he might stop them from revolting against him and make all of them calm, cool and peaceful. For that reason the political strategy of Abbasades was accompanied by cunningness, deceit and treachery, otherwise they were blood thirsty enemies of the Prophet's (P.B.U.H.) family. But, apparently pretended to be the sincere friends of the family of Ali (A.S.) so as to avoid and remain safe from the revolt of Alvis and satisfy and please the Shias and Iranians.
2. Mamoon wanted to let the Bani Hashim have a free hand in the administrative affairs of the government, and as Imam Reza (A.S.) knew and had told Mamoon, to show to the people that the family of Bani Hashim is the adorer of world and materialists and that when they show off that they have no desire and attention towards the material (world) actually they lie to the people. If and when they get access to the power they are no less than others. Therefore, their aloofness and distance taking (from it) is for the reason that they do not have any power in the society. If someday they attain power they will do what the people did not presume that they would.
Finally, the people may scatter from all around them and they loose their spiritual worth and status among the people. Mamoon had many times suggested to the Imam (A.S.) to introduce him a number of persons so that he may depute and fix them as the rulers of those cities where people were rebellious and were revolting against him. But Imam (A.S.) had replied him that "I had accepted the successor-ship on the condition that I would not interfere in the affairs of the state, and may not be your advisor and you too acceded and accepted it. If you wish that I might fulfill my commitment you (must) also fulfill your commitment. Mamoon became silent and did not utter a word."
Imam (A.S.) knew that Mamoon desired to attribute all his works and activities to him and turn the people against him. Imam (A.S.) had perceived and discovered all those plans, for the same reason, he did not accept and undertake the responsibility (of his misdeeds). Resulting, Mamoon faced defeat in all his activities and performances and did not achieve his goal.
3. Another view that he had in his mind was to gather the Alvis by this way from all the places around and bring them to the capital and keep an eye upon all of them. Thus whosoever creates headache for him he may be slain. So then he poisoned Imam (A.S.) and martyred him, and killed the Alvis and trampled the agreement and commitments under his feet.

Daabal the poet of freedom

Daabal says, "When I wrote my well known poem admiring the family of Imam Ali (A.S.) and decided to proceed to Khorrasan and present the poem to the Imam (A.S.) I undertook the journey and arrived Khorrasan. Recited my poem in the presence of Imam (A.S.)." He added a number of verses to it, which were about his martyrdom in Toos. Then he said, "Keep your poem concealed and secret, do not read it to anyone." Mamoon got informed about my coming there and reciting the poem for Imam (A.S.). He summoned me and desired that I may recite the poem for him. I denied having written any such poem. But Mamoon brought Imam (A.S.) to his assembly and in his presence he said, "Read out that renowned poem which you wrote about the worth and virtues of Ali's (A.S.) family before the Imam (A.S.) to me as well.
I was forced to recite it. Mamoon apparently showed his pleasure and joy over it and gave me a prize. His minister Fazal sent a good prize along with a horse for me. Imam (A.S.) too granted me a hundred dinnars from the money, which Mamoon had got minted with his name upon it and said, "keep it, for one day you will need it."
I said to Imam (A.S.), "I want a used shirt of yours so that when I die that becomes my coffin." Imam (A.S.) acceded to it and gave one of his shirts to me and said, "Keep this shirt as by it's benevolence you will remain safe." I said good-bye to Imam (A.S.) and moved upon. With the horse which Fazal had sent for me, out of Toos, with a caravan. On the way thieves attacked the caravan and plundered and looted whatever the travelers possessed. Not very long after it, one of them who was obviously their chief came along, riding my horse. He was reciting the rhymes of the poem written by me. I went to him and asked him, "Do you know whose verses are these?" He said surprisingly "Yes Daabal Khuzaia rhymes". I said, "Do you know I am Daabal who wrote these rhymes. He showed amazement and did not believe my words. I said, "ask those who are traveling with me." The people of the caravan gave witness that I was the poet who wrote those verses. When he knew I was Daabal, he ordered that all the wealth which was looted and distributed among themselves be returned to the passengers of the caravan as an honor to me and as the Imam (A.S.) had said that shirt became the cause of my freedom and that of my friends. They returned the wealth and looted properties to us.
When Daabal got free from the thieves he arrived Qum. People of Qum rushed to welcome him and requested him to recite the famous poem, which he recited to Imam (A.S.). Daabal agreed and went to the mosque of Qum and read out his poem to them. People gave him lot of money. When they came to know about the shirt affair. They begged him to give that to them and take any amount of money for it. Daabal did not agree. They demanded a piece of the shirt he again did not accept.
When Daabal moved out of Qum, a group of young men closed his way down. They snatched the shirt from him and came back to Qum. Daabal too returned to Qum and requested them to return him the shirt. But they did not accede to his request. Daabal yearned for a piece of it. They acceded to this request. They gave him a piece of it for a thousand dirhams and he accepted (the deal) and then moved towards his home land.
When Daabal returned to his home he surprisingly discovered that the thieves had plundered his house leaving back nothing for him. He remembered what Imam (A.S.) had said while giving him a hundred dinnars. He had said, "keep these you will extremely need them (a day). He carried the money to the bazaar and sold each dinnar for hundred dinnars and received ten thousand dinnars.
During this period his wife whom he loved very much-got ill and her eyes developed dropsy (disease) and the physicians made him disappointed about her treatment. Daabal tied the piece of the Shirt to the eyes of his wife when he opened it the next day, she was cured.
Daabal, for that poem he had written with courage and bravery not only became wealthy and respect worthy. Thereafter, all the shias respected him and he became known as a freedom-loving poet in the history. A portion of the rhymes are translated as under:
When I saw the ruined house of the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) I wept.
The house whose owners were ousted from those and hypocrites had taken their place.
The houses where one-day exegesis (of Quran) was explained.
Those were the places of the descending of revelation but now because of the tyrannies of the criminals, have emptied of the recitation of Holy Quran.
The owners of the houses who were the heritage of Prophet (P.B.U.H.) were considered the best men of the Ummah. The men who helped the afflicted ones and continuously they were taken to be their friends. I see that their belongings and wealth are in the hands of the cruel ones. Their benevolent hands are empty from their own wealth.
I salute to those stars of the sky of Imamate who are sleeping in Kufa and Medina and Karbala. Who has laid their lives for Islam.
There is a grave in Baghdad (Musa Ibn-e-Jaffar ) wherein; a pure and combatant Soul is lying. The grave, which is one of the paradise.
Daabal says when I reached this place Imam (A.S.) said I complete this poem by adding to it some rhymes.
So, the Imam (A.S.) gives news of his martyrdom and being buried in Toos, which is considered a miracle of Imam (A.S.).
He said: there is a grave in Toos too, which has awfully great tragedy and grief. And burns the hearts up to the justice day and raise the lamentations and weeping of the people.

Imam's (A.S.) Martyrdom

On the night of his martyrdom the Imam (A.S.) saw a dream. In his dream he saw his grandfather the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) saying, "Come to us tomorrow, what we have for you is better than the condition you are in."
Harsama says, Imam (A.S.) got up in the mid of the night and called me so that I be present before him. I put on my dress and went to Imam (A.S.). He said to me, "Mamoon has decided to poison me through grapes tomorrow. Be aware, after my martyrdom he wishes to give me a bath. 'Tell him to refrain from it. If you do that God will not give you chance and respite (any-longer).' At that time my son will arrive from Madina and give me a bath and coffin, without anyone seeing it or getting informed.
Then, they will carry me to the tomb of Haroon. Mamoon wants to burry me behind him. But howsoever they work on the earth the pickaxe; they will fail to dig the soil. At that time tell Mamoon to dig the earth in front of the grave so that a ready-made grave will appear. At that instance a white water boils out of the head-side (grave) and rises up. Small fish appear in that. Then a big fish appears which eats up the small fish. Thereafter, the water will settle down. After that lay me in the grave. Do not put the soil on my grave since; it will be filled up by itself. Oh Harsama, do what I have said and do not allow things to happen against what I told you, otherwise, God will torment you (people)."
At last Mamoon poisoned the Imam (A.S.) through grapes in Toos, on the way back from Maro to Baghdad. Imam (A.S.) came to the house and said to his old friend Aba Salat, "Collect the carpets of the house and do not allow anyone to enter the house, as this is the time when my soul departs (dieing) I want to die on the earth like my grandfather Hussain (A.S.)."
Before the martyrdom of Imam (A.S.), Mamoon stood next to his pillow (head side). Imam (A.S.) opened his eyes and said to him, "Have a good conduct with my son Imam Mohammad Taqi (A.S.) for his death and yours are close to each other and do not have much distance in between."
The body of Imam (A.S.) was buried in the same parameter where Haroon was buried and in the front of his grave.
This tragedy and calamity occurred on the last day of Safar ul Muzzafar month, 203 Hijrah, when Imam (A.S.) was 55 years of age.
Following the martyrdom of Imam (A.S.) a great revolt took place in Khorrasan. Mamoon wept and beat upon his head to show that he was a mourner. But a large number of people knew that Mamoon himself was the killer of Imam (A.S.). A wave of despises and noise awn against Mamoon. So that he did not allow the funeral to be carried out for a day and a night. Because, he was afraid that the disturbance may expand and the angry hostile and flared up masses may annihilate all the set ups and organizations. This is the reason why he sent a few men among the people to exhibit and show the death of Imam (A.S.) as a natural one and tell them that Mamoon did not have a hand in it. But for all he did, he could not get himself acquitted off and prove his innocence.
At last, day-by-day he became more and more worthless and despicable in the eyes of the people, till he died in a very bad shape.

Brief Sayings of Imam (A.S.)

1. A man who takes pain and labors for himself and his children is like some one who fights a holy war (Jihad).
2. Whenever you take some ones name, always take it with respect.
3. Keep yourself clean, since cleanliness is the manner of Prophets.
4. Worst of the people is the one, whose existence is of no use to the people.
5. The one who commits dishonesty with a Muslim is not one of us.
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